Sunday, October 17

Another Republican Drops support for Bush

A lifelong member of the Republican establishment in Kentucky, has published an editorial outlining why he can no longer support the Bush administration for re-election. Via Kos Dairist Muddy Paws.
Bush 'goes against values I treasure' By Ballard Morton - Special to The Courier-Journal

For nearly 50 years, I considered myself a Republican. I usually voted for Republicans, and I voted for George W. Bush in 2000. I have deep family roots in the Republican Party. My father, Thruston Morton, served as a Republican U. S. senator from Kentucky and also served as national chairman of the Republican Party. My uncle, Rogers Morton, also served as national chairman of the Republican Party, served as a Republican in the U. S. House of Representatives, and served in the cabinet under Presidents Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford.

I cannot in good conscience vote for President Bush in this election. What he has done since his election in 2000 goes against the values I treasure both in terms of leadership and in our nation. He has not done what he said he would do. He has lost my trust and my respect. .............
President Bush refuses to take responsibility for his own actions and policies. Instead, he blames others. He talks in sound bites, uses slogans and misleading labels, relies on spin, photo ops and staged events, and brutally smears his opponents. That is not leadership.

Sen. John Kerry offers us a choice. He offers us hope and a new direction in dealing with global terrorism. He offers us hope for change in the war in Iraq. He offers us hope in protecting our environment. He offers us hope in restoring fiscal integrity to the government. He offers us hope in genuinely reforming health care and protecting those who need it most. Above all, he offers a return of decency and integrity to the White House.

I will vote for John Kerry.
Let's give a hand to Ballard Morton and welcome this sage Patriot to the side of righteousness.