Monday, October 11

Compassion in action at Republiqué Libéré

Digby wandered into the sewers at Republiqué Libéré and found some compassion on display for the recently departed Christopher Reeves. It must be horrible to live in fear of the allmighty Clenis™, and embrace a veneer of victimization at the hands of a Democratic cabal hellbent on their destruction. In this case, the death of Christopher Reeves, is yet another shameless attack on their belief system. I am not sure these guys could store enough ammo to vanquish all of their imagined foes. Digby says in part:
It seems almost inhuman that some people can't feel any empathy for someone who had been a celebrated movie superhero one moment and in the next became a fragile corporeal being facing the most fundamental and difficult challenges a person can face --- and who then became an inspiration and spokeman for others with the catastrophic disability he lived with from that moment on. But there are such people.
He has a large number of comments quoted, and apparently, some of the stuff was soo bad that it was deleted (no doubt democrats trying to make 'em look bad). Here is but a small sample of the goodness and light:
Wouldn't rule out that Kerry might have spoke with Reeve before the last debate. Reeve might have had an idea the end was near for him and told Kerry to play up the emotional angle with stem cell research and Reeve's own paralyzed circumstance.
Wonder if Hell is handicapped accessible
I'm sorry, but I have no compassion for this man. He suffered a terrible injury through his own fault and, instead of accepting it, he lashes out in anger against Bush.
Oh, this is going to be disgusting. Bitter twst of fate that Reeve is mentioned by Kerry and then he dies. Or perhaps did Kerry know in advance Reeve was ill/on his deathbed?
The main gist of the dem line is: we need to keep legal the ability to take growing humans and detroy them through abortion so we can use their body parts to help other people like Chris Reeve (potentially) live better. The bloodlust is positively demonic.
I am just not happy hearing about this this AM.
You think you're cynical? I am wondering if Clark Kent would possibly pull the plug on himself in a desperate attempt to "matyrize" the stem-cell issue and help Kerry?
The fact is, Mr. Reeve spent his last days using his fame and access to champion the murder of unborn children.
Sure hope he was a saved man. Otherwise right now he is roasting in hell.

Wow, Sweet, huh. By the way, this was only a taste of what Digby coughed up which is probably just a taste of what remains on that thread. Digby finishes his post appropriately.
Reeve was a better man on his worst day in Hollywood than these solipsistic little morons could ever hope to be.