Monday, November 22


I keep forgetting to do this, but sometime in the last couple of weeks I flew past the 500 post and 200,000 word Milestones. What started out on the fourth of July, as a place to practice writing, document the attrocities of the administration, and generally enjoy a cathartic rant from time to time, has become pretty much the same place it started out to be except with the addition of window dressing.

A few of the things I have learned along the way.

I am no longer intimidated by style sheets, so my overall HTML skills have improved.

I am not as funny as I would like to think I am, nor as insigtful, quite frankly I am a hack.

My typing skills and spelling (still god awful) have improved.

I have met people I would never had the pleasure to meet otherwise. In fact this is probably the best thing about this exercise.

Anhoo for what it's worth, there it is.