Friday night Chiquita Blogging

There really is nothing to add. Just too freaking cute.
Observations, Rants, and Examination, of things political, philosophical, historical and tragicomical. Likely to be yet another collection of barnacles on the hull of blogshpere.
If we're going ot have lots of long posts, they may as well talk about Republicans who fuck children.
Colorado GOP activist Randy Ankeny used the Internets to lure a 13-year-old girl to a house decorated with "numerous photos of President Bush." He photographed her topless, then tried to have sex with her. He accepted her refusal, but said that if she told anyone what had happened he would "ruin her life." Click the link for many, many more stories about this "rising star" in the Republican party.
Phil Giordano, Republican former mayor of Waterbury, CT, is so catastrophically perverted that I had to read the charges against him twice to make sense of them.The children in question are girl cousins, aged 9 and 10. He is also said to have fathered a 7 year-old boy by the mother of one of these children, meaning he may have been having sex with his son's sister. Also, the teenaged daughter of the mother of these two young girls has said she was paid money by Giordano to watch him have sex with her mother -- in his City Hall office!Sheesh. Could you run that by me again, this time with sock puppets?
Mark A. Grethen, another "rising star" in the GOP, was found guilty of six counts of forcible sodomy and aggravated sexual battery against children in 2001. That didn't stop the National Republican Congressional Committee from inviting him to receive a "Republican of the Year" award in 2002.
Robert Bauman (R-Md.) had oral sex with a teenage boy.
Republican anti-abortion activist (and Terri Schiavo idolator) Howard Scott Heldreth is a convicted child rapist.
Anti-abortion extremist Nicholas Morency confessed in 2001 to possession of child pornography.
Edison Misla Aldarondo, Republican former speaker of Puerto Rico's house of representatives, molested his step-daughter and raped her friend. Both girls were seventeen at the time.
Richland County Commissioner David Swartz (R-OH) raped two girls who were under eleven years old.
Republican campaign consultant Tom Shortridge took pornographic photos of underage girls.
Republican pastor Mike Hintz, a married father of four, had an affair with a 17-year-old girl from his church's youth group.
Merrill Robert Barter confessed that he sexually assaulted a teenage boy during the Republican State Convention. Barter declined to resign his post as County Commissioner.
GOP election official Kevin Coan was picked up in an Internet sting, after soliciting sex from an investigator whom he believed was a 14-year-old girl.
Republican legislator Peter Dibble was arrested on child sex charges earlier this year.
Republican judge Mark Pazuhanich was convicted of the "indecent assault" of a 10-year-old girl.
Republican assembly candidate Richard Gardner was found guilty of molesting his daughters, but argued that he was still eligible to run for public office.
Anti-gay activist Rev. Stephen White offered a 14-year-old boy $20 for oral sex.
Anti-abortion extremist John Allen Burt molested underage girls who were living in his "home for unwed mothers."
Conservative talk-show host Jon Mathews was found guilty of "indecency with a child by exposure."
Christian Coalition leader Beverly Russell molested his 15-year-old stepdaughter, Susan Smith, whose later murder of her own children was treated by the Right as evidence of the nation's moral decline under Bill Clinton.
Andrew Buhr, Republican party nominee from the Missouri house, pleaded guilty to oral sex with a 13-year-old boy.
Republican businessman Richard A. Dasen Sr. paid over a million dollars for sex with dozens of young girls, including a 15-year-old. He volunteered at a service called "Christian Financial Counseling," ostensibly to help people who were in financial trouble, which put him in a perfect position to offer desperate women money in return for sex.
Nicholas Elizondo of the Young Republican Federation went to jail for sexually abusing his 6-year-old daughter.
Republican legislative aide Howard Brooks raped a 12-year-old boy, and possessed child pornography.
Republican legislator Keith Westmoreland was found guilty of exposing himself to underage girls. He later killed himself.
Earl Kimmerling became a darling of the ultra-right when he fought tooth and nail to prevent a gay couple from adopting an 8-year-old foster child that had been placed under his care. Kimmerling's pastor and state Republican officials got involved in the case. Kimmerling later confessed to molesting the girl.
Paul Ingram, former head of his county Republican party, went to prison on six counts of child rape.
Pleasant dreams!
Oh, almost forgot...
Republican alderman Mark Harris molested a girl repeatedly between the ages of 11 and 13. Harris initially claimed the abuse was "unintentional." Her father said "Did he have a moral compass? Did he act with a conscience? Did he abide by the laws? No. It wasn't one time. He did it over and over and over."